Lake Northam, within Victoria Park, suffered from consistently poor water quality and algal blooms. Andrew McMillan undertook a catchment analysis and study of water quality data to feed into an assessment of options for improved long-term management of the lake. He presented a suite of functional and feasible options to the City of Sydney at the concept stage so they could select an option that satisfied the multiple objectives for the park.
Andrew led the detailed design, whilst at Alluvium, of a lake recirculation system, including a polishing treatment wetland, which provides a consistent turnover of water in the lake. The project also increased inflows to Lake Northam by diverting an additional sub-catchment into the lake with pre-treatment by a new GPT and bioretention system.
Andrew worked closely with the design team to develop treatment systems that sit within the existing water body and are seamlessly integrated into the heritage listed park.
Stormwater treatment / Pond water quality
Feasibility / Concept Design / Detailed Design
City of Sydney